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  1. zhao

  2. zhāo

    1. 招 (zhāo):召唤,引来;《说文解字》:“招,手呼也。”;English: to beckon, to invite, to recruit
    2. 钊 (zhāo):刚强,勇猛;《说文解字》:“钊,劝也。”(本义为劝勉,引申为刚强);English: brave, valiant, to encourage
    3. 朝 (zhāo):早晨;《说文解字》:“朝,旦也。”;English: morning
    4. 嘲 (zhāo):讥笑,戏弄;《说文解字》:“嘲,啁也。”;English: to ridicule, to mock, to deride
    5. 昭 (zhāo):光明,明显;《说文解字》:“昭,光明也。”;English: bright, luminous, clear, obvious
    6. 着 (zhāo):下棋的步法;用于下棋的术语;English: chess move (noun)
  3. zháo

    1. 着 (zháo):接触,感受,受到;《说文解字》:“着,附也。”;English: to touch, to feel, to be affected by
    2. 着急 (zháo jí):焦急,心里不安;现代汉语常用词;English: to worry, to be anxious, to be in a hurry
    3. 灼 (zhuó, zháo):烧,烫(口语中单用);《说文解字》:“灼,爇也。”;English: to burn, scorching (when used colloquially, sometimes pronounced zháo in specific words like 着火 zháohuǒ - to catch fire)
  4. zhǎo

    1. 找 (zhǎo):寻求,觅取;《说文解字》:“找,摹也。”(本义为模仿,后引申为寻求);English: to look for, to search, to find
    2. 爪 (zhǎo):禽兽的脚指甲;《说文解字》:“爪,丮也。”;English: claw, talon (when referring to claws, pronunciation is zhǎo; also read zhuǎ in other contexts)
  5. zhào

    1. 照 (zhào):照射,照明;《说文解字》:“照,明也。”;English: to shine, to illuminate, to reflect, according to
    2. 赵 (Zhào):中国姓氏; also, 春秋战国时国名;《说文解字》:“赵,趋也。”(本义为快走,用作地名、姓氏等);English: Zhao (surname, state in ancient China)
    3. 召 (zhào):呼唤,召唤;《说文解字》:“召,呼也。”;English: to summon, to convene, to call together
    4. 罩 (zhào):覆盖,笼罩;《说文解字》:“罩,鱼笼也。”(本义为鱼笼,引申为覆盖物);English: cover, hood, cage, to cover
    5. 兆 (zhào):预示,征兆;《说文解字》:“兆,灼龟坼也。”(古代占卜用语,指龟甲烧灼后裂开的纹路,预示吉凶);English: omen, sign, million (as a numeral prefix)
    6. 肇 (zhào):开始,初始;《说文解字》:“肇,始也。”;English: to initiate, to start, to begin
    7. 诏 (zhào):古代皇帝发布的命令;《说文解字》:“诏,告也。”;English: imperial edict, to proclaim
    8. 棹 (zhào):划船的工具,桨;《说文解字》:“棹,楫也。”;English: oar, paddle
    9. 笊 (zhào):捞取食物的竹器;《集韵》:“笊,竹器。”;English: bamboo ladle, strainer
    10. 櫂 (zhào):船桨;《集韵》:“櫂,楫也。”;English: oar, scull (variant of 棹)
    11. 肇 (zhào):初,开始;《尔雅·释诂》:“肇,始也。”;English: to begin, to initiate (variant meaning of 肇)
  6. zhao

    1. 着 (zhao):表示动作的持续或结果(轻声);现代汉语常用用法;English: particle indicating action in progress or result (neutral tone form of 着)
  7. chan

  8. chān

    1. 掺 (chān):搀杂,混入;《说文解字》:“掺,杂也。”;English: to mix, to adulterate, to blend
    2. 搀 (chān):扶助,用手扶着;《说文解字》:“搀,扶也。”;English: to support with the hand, to assist, to help
    3. 觇 (chān):偷看,侦察;《说文解字》:“觇,窥也。”;English: to peep, to spy, to observe secretly
  9. chán

    1. 缠 (chán):环绕,纠缠;《说文解字》:“缠,绕也。”;English: to twine, to wrap around, to bother, to entangle
    2. 蝉 (chán):蝉,一种昆虫;《说文解字》:“蝉,蜩也。”;English: cicada
    3. 禅 (chán):佛教用语,禅定,也指禅宗;《说文解字》:“禅,祭天也。” (古代本指祭天的一种仪式,后佛教借用);English: Zen, meditation, dhyana, to abdicate (ancient meaning)
    4. 馋 (chán):贪吃,嘴馋;《说文解字》:“馋,唌也。”;English: gluttonous, greedy, ravenous
    5. 婵 (chán):美好,多用于人名,尤其女性名字;《集韵》:“婵娟,美好貌。”;English: beautiful, lovely (used in names, especially for women)
    6. 潺 (chán):形容溪水等流动的声音;《玉篇》:“潺,水声。”;English: murmuring sound of water, gurgling
    7. 蟾 (chán):蟾蜍,俗称癞蛤蟆;《说文解字》:“蟾蜍,蟾诸也。”;English: toad
    8. 廛 (chán):古代城市里的居民地或店铺;《说文解字》:“廛,市居也。”;English: site for dwellings or shops in a town in ancient times, market stalls
    9. 谗 (chán):说人坏话,诬陷;《说文解字》:“谗,譖也。”;English: to slander, to defame, to speak ill of
    10. 澶 (chán):水面宽阔平静;《集韵》:“澶,水貌。”;English: vast, boundless (often used in place names describing wide waters)
    11. 孱 (càn, chán):软弱,怯懦;《说文解字》:“孱, দুর্বল也。”;English: weak, feeble, cowardly (pronunciation chán is more common in modern usage)
  10. chǎn

    1. 产 (chǎn):生产,生育,财产;《说文解字》:“产,生也。”;English: to produce, to give birth, property, assets, product
    2. 阐 (chǎn):阐明,说明;《说文解字》:“阐,开也。”;English: to explain, to clarify, to expound, to open up
    3. 铲 (chǎn):铲子,用铲子平推或去除;《说文解字》:“铲,平也。”;English: shovel, to shovel, to level off, to scrape
    4. 谄 (chǎn):奉承,巴结;《说文解字》:“谄,谀也。”;English: to flatter, to fawn on, to toady
    5. 蒇 (chǎn):完成,完毕;《说文解字》:“蒇,草木实也。” (本义指草木结实,引申为完成);English: to complete, to finish, to accomplish
    6. 刬 (chǎn):削去,刮掉;《集韵》:“刬,削也。”;English: to scrape off, to erase, to shave
  11. chàn

    1. 颤 (chàn):发抖,震动;《说文解字》:“颤,动也。”;English: to tremble, to shiver, to vibrate, to quiver
    2. 忏 (chàn):佛教用语,忏悔,承认错误;《说文解字》:“忏,悔也。” (佛教术语,源于梵文);English: to repent, to confess (Buddhist term), repentance
    3. 羼 (chàn):混杂,掺入;《集韵》:“羼,杂也。”;English: to mix, to intermingle, to blend in
  12. chan

    1. 禅 (chan):禅宗,禅定(轻声);现代汉语常用用法;English: Zen, meditation (neutral tone form of 禅)
  13. 词组组合:

  14. 招掺:招引搀杂; to beckon and mix

  15. 招搀:招引搀扶; to beckon and support
  16. 招觇:招引窥视; to beckon and peep
  17. 招缠:招惹缠绕; to beckon and entangle
  18. 招蝉:招引蝉声; to beckon cicada sounds
  19. 招禅:招引禅意; to beckon Zen meditation
  20. 招馋:招惹贪馋; to beckon gluttony
  21. 招婵:招引婵娟; to beckon beauty
  22. 招潺:招引潺潺流水声; to beckon murmuring sounds
  23. 招蟾:招惹蟾蜍; to beckon a toad
  24. 招廛:招引居民店铺; to beckon dwellings
  25. 招谗:招致谗言; to beckon slander
  26. 招澶:招引澶水; to beckon vast waters
  27. 招孱:招致孱弱; to beckon weakness
  28. 招产:招致生产; to beckon production
  29. 招阐:招致阐明; to beckon explanation
  30. 招铲:招来铲除; to beckon and shovel away
  31. 招谄:招致谄媚; to beckon flattery
  32. 招蒇:招致完成; to beckon completion
  33. 招刬:招致削去; to beckon erasing
  34. 招颤:招致颤抖; to beckon trembling
  35. 招忏:招致忏悔; to beckon repentance
  36. 招羼:招致混杂; to beckon mixing in
  37. 招禅:招引禅修; to beckon Zen meditation
  38. 钊掺:勇猛搀杂; brave and mixed
  39. 钊搀:勇猛搀扶; brave and support
  40. 钊觇:勇猛窥视; brave and peep
  41. 钊缠:勇猛缠绕; brave and twine
  42. 钊蝉:勇猛如蝉; brave like a cicada
  43. 钊禅:勇猛修禅; brave in Zen meditation
  44. 钊馋:勇猛贪馋; brave and gluttonous
  45. 钊婵:勇猛如婵娟; brave as beauty
  46. 钊潺:勇猛似潺潺流水; brave like murmuring water
  47. 钊蟾:勇猛如蟾蜍; brave like a toad
  48. 钊廛:勇猛之地店铺; brave land dwellings
  49. 钊谗:勇猛之谗言; brave slander
  50. 钊澶:勇猛如澶水; brave as vast water
  51. 钊孱:勇猛而孱弱; brave but weak
  52. 钊产:勇猛生产; brave production
  53. 钊阐:勇猛阐明; brave explanation
  54. 钊铲:勇猛铲除; brave shoveling
  55. 钊谄:勇猛谄媚; brave flattery
  56. 钊蒇:勇猛完成; brave completion
  57. 钊刬:勇猛削去; brave erasing
  58. 钊颤:勇猛颤抖; brave trembling
  59. 钊忏:勇猛忏悔; brave repentance
  60. 钊羼:勇猛混杂; brave mixing in
  61. 钊禅:勇猛禅修; brave Zen meditation
  62. 朝掺:早晨掺杂; morning mix
  63. 朝搀:早晨搀扶; morning support
  64. 朝觇:早晨窥视; morning peep
  65. 朝缠:早晨缠绕; morning twine
  66. 朝蝉:早晨蝉鸣; morning cicada sound
  67. 朝禅:早晨禅修; morning Zen meditation
  68. 朝馋:早晨贪馋; morning gluttony
  69. 朝婵:早晨的婵娟; morning beauty
  70. 朝潺:早晨潺潺流水; morning murmuring water
  71. 朝蟾:早晨的蟾蜍; morning toad
  72. 朝廛:早晨的店铺; morning dwellings
  73. 朝谗:早晨的谗言; morning slander
  74. 朝澶:早晨的澶水; morning vast waters
  75. 朝孱:早晨的孱弱; morning weakness
  76. 朝产:早晨生产; morning production
  77. 朝阐:早晨阐明; morning explanation
  78. 朝铲:早晨铲除; morning shoveling
  79. 朝谄:早晨谄媚; morning flattery
  80. 朝蒇:早晨完成; morning completion
  81. 朝刬:早晨削去; morning erase
  82. 朝颤:早晨颤抖; morning tremble
  83. 朝忏:早晨忏悔; morning repentance
  84. 朝羼:早晨混杂; morning mixing in
  85. 朝禅:早晨禅修; morning Zen meditation
  86. 嘲掺:嘲笑掺杂; ridicule mix
  87. 嘲搀:嘲笑搀扶; ridicule support
  88. 嘲觇:嘲笑窥视; ridicule peep
  89. 嘲缠:嘲笑缠绕; ridicule twine
  90. 嘲蝉:嘲笑蝉; ridicule cicada
  91. 嘲禅:嘲笑禅修; ridicule Zen meditation
  92. 嘲馋:嘲笑贪馋; ridicule gluttony
  93. 嘲婵:嘲笑婵娟; ridicule beauty
  94. 嘲潺:嘲笑潺潺流水; ridicule murmuring water
  95. 嘲蟾:嘲笑蟾蜍; ridicule toad
  96. 嘲廛:嘲笑店铺; ridicule dwellings
  97. 嘲谗:嘲笑谗言; ridicule slander
  98. 嘲澶:嘲笑澶水; ridicule vast waters
  99. 嘲孱:嘲笑孱弱; ridicule weakness
  100. 嘲产:嘲笑生产; ridicule production
  101. 嘲阐:嘲笑阐明; ridicule explanation
  102. 嘲铲:嘲笑铲除; ridicule shoveling
  103. 嘲谄:嘲笑谄媚; ridicule flattery
  104. 嘲蒇:嘲笑完成; ridicule completion
  105. 嘲刬:嘲笑削去; ridicule erase
  106. 嘲颤:嘲笑颤抖; ridicule tremble
  107. 嘲忏:嘲笑忏悔; ridicule repentance
  108. 嘲羼:嘲笑混杂; ridicule mixing in
  109. 嘲禅:嘲笑禅修; ridicule Zen meditation
  110. 昭掺:昭示掺杂; bright mix
  111. 昭搀:昭示搀扶; bright support
  112. 昭觇:昭示窥视; bright peep
  113. 昭缠:昭示缠绕; bright twine
  114. 昭蝉:昭示如蝉; bright as cicada
  115. 昭禅:昭示禅意; bright Zen meditation
  116. 昭馋:昭示贪馋; bright gluttony
  117. 昭婵:昭示婵娟; bright beauty
  118. 昭潺:昭示潺潺流水; bright murmuring water
  119. 昭蟾:昭示蟾蜍; bright toad
  120. 昭廛:昭示店铺; bright dwellings
  121. 昭谗:昭示谗言; bright slander
  122. 昭澶:昭示澶水; bright vast waters
  123. 昭孱:昭示孱弱; bright weakness
  124. 昭产:昭示生产; bright production
  125. 昭阐:昭示阐明; bright explanation
  126. 昭铲:昭示铲除; bright shoveling
  127. 昭谄:昭示谄媚; bright flattery
  128. 昭蒇:昭示完成; bright completion
  129. 昭刬:昭示削去; bright erase
  130. 昭颤:昭示颤抖; bright tremble
  131. 昭忏:昭示忏悔; bright repentance
  132. 昭羼:昭示混杂; bright mixing in
  133. 昭禅:昭示禅修; bright Zen meditation
  134. 着掺:棋着掺杂; chess move mix
  135. 着搀:棋着搀扶; chess move support
  136. 着觇:棋着窥视; chess move peep
  137. 着缠:棋着缠绕; chess move twine
  138. 着蝉:棋着如蝉; chess move cicada
  139. 着禅:棋着禅意; chess move Zen meditation
  140. 着馋:棋着贪馋; chess move gluttony
  141. 着婵:棋着婵娟; chess move beauty
  142. 着潺:棋着如潺潺流水; chess move murmuring water
  143. 着蟾:棋着如蟾蜍; chess move toad
  144. 着廛:棋着店铺; chess move dwellings
  145. 着谗:棋着谗言; chess move slander
  146. 着澶:棋着澶水; chess move vast waters
  147. 着孱:棋着孱弱; chess move weakness
  148. 着产:棋着生产; chess move production
  149. 着阐:棋着阐明; chess move explanation
  150. 着铲:棋着铲除; chess move shoveling
  151. 着谄:棋着谄媚; chess move flattery
  152. 着蒇:棋着完成; chess move completion
  153. 着刬:棋着削去; chess move erase
  154. 着颤:棋着颤抖; chess move tremble
  155. 着忏:棋着忏悔; chess move repentance
  156. 着羼:棋着混杂; chess move mixing in
  157. 着禅:棋着禅修; chess move Zen meditation
  158. 着掺:触摸掺杂; touch mix
  159. 着搀:触摸搀扶; touch support
  160. 着觇:触摸窥视; touch peep
  161. 着缠:触摸缠绕; touch twine
  162. 着蝉:触摸蝉; touch cicada
  163. 着禅:触摸禅; touch Zen meditation
  164. 着馋:触摸贪馋; touch gluttony
  165. 着婵:触摸婵娟; touch beauty
  166. 着潺:触摸潺潺流水; touch murmuring water
  167. 着蟾:触摸蟾蜍; touch toad
  168. 着廛:触摸店铺; touch dwellings
  169. 着谗:触摸谗言; touch slander
  170. 着澶:触摸澶水; touch vast waters
  171. 着孱:触摸孱弱; touch weakness
  172. 着产:触摸生产; touch production
  173. 着阐:触摸阐明; touch explanation
  174. 着铲:触摸铲子; touch shovel
  175. 着谄:触摸谄媚; touch flattery
  176. 着蒇:触摸完成; touch completion
  177. 着刬:触摸削去; touch erase
  178. 着颤:触摸颤抖; touch tremble
  179. 着忏:触摸忏悔; touch repentance
  180. 着羼:触摸混杂; touch mixing in
  181. 着禅:触摸禅修; touch Zen meditation
  182. 灼掺:烧灼掺杂; burn mix
  183. 灼搀:烧灼搀扶; burn support
  184. 灼觇:烧灼窥视; burn peep
  185. 灼缠:烧灼缠绕; burn twine
  186. 灼蝉:烧灼蝉; burn cicada
  187. 灼禅:烧灼禅意; burn Zen meditation
  188. 灼馋:烧灼贪馋; burn gluttony
  189. 灼婵:烧灼婵娟; burn beauty
  190. 灼潺:烧灼潺潺流水; burn murmuring water
  191. 灼蟾:烧灼蟾蜍; burn toad
  192. 灼廛:烧灼店铺; burn dwellings
  193. 灼谗:烧灼谗言; burn slander
  194. 灼澶:烧灼澶水; burn vast waters
  195. 灼孱:烧灼孱弱; burn weakness
  196. 灼产:烧灼生产; burn production
  197. 灼阐:烧灼阐明; burn explanation
  198. 灼铲:烧灼铲子; burn shovel
  199. 灼谄:烧灼谄媚; burn flattery
  200. 灼蒇:烧灼完成; burn completion
  201. 灼刬:烧灼削去; burn erase
  202. 灼颤:烧灼颤抖; burn tremble
  203. 灼忏:烧灼忏悔; burn repentance
  204. 灼羼:烧灼混杂; burn mixing in
  205. 灼禅:烧灼禅修; burn Zen meditation
  206. 找掺:寻找掺杂; find mix
  207. 找搀:寻找搀扶; find support
  208. 找觇:寻找窥视; find peep
  209. 找缠:寻找缠绕; find twine
  210. 找蝉:寻找蝉; find cicada
  211. 找禅:寻找禅意; find Zen meditation
  212. 找馋:寻找贪馋; find gluttony
  213. 找婵:寻找婵娟; find beauty
  214. 找潺:寻找潺潺流水; find murmuring water
  215. 找蟾:寻找蟾蜍; find toad
  216. 找廛:寻找店铺; find dwellings
  217. 找谗:寻找谗言; find slander
  218. 找澶:寻找澶水; find vast waters
  219. 找孱:寻找孱弱; find weakness
  220. 找产:寻找生产; find production
  221. 找阐:寻找阐明; find explanation
  222. 找铲:寻找铲子; find shovel
  223. 找谄:寻找谄媚; find flattery
  224. 找蒇:寻找完成; find completion
  225. 找刬:寻找削去; find erase
  226. 找颤:寻找颤抖; find tremble
  227. 找忏:寻找忏悔; find repentance
  228. 找羼:寻找混杂; find mixing in
  229. 找禅:寻找禅修; find Zen meditation
  230. 爪掺:爪子掺杂; claw mix
  231. 爪搀:爪子搀扶; claw support
  232. 爪觇:爪子窥视; claw peep
  233. 爪缠:爪子缠绕; claw twine
  234. 爪蝉:爪子下的蝉; claw cicada
  235. 爪禅:爪子与禅意; claw and Zen meditation
  236. 爪馋:爪子的贪馋; claw gluttony
  237. 爪婵:爪子与婵娟; claw and beauty
  238. 爪潺:爪子旁的潺潺流水; claw murmuring water
  239. 爪蟾:爪子下的蟾蜍; claw toad
  240. 爪廛:爪子下的店铺; claw dwellings
  241. 爪谗:爪子的谗言; claw slander
  242. 爪澶:爪子下的澶水; claw vast waters
  243. 爪孱:爪子的孱弱; claw weakness
  244. 爪产:爪子生产; claw production
  245. 爪阐:爪子的阐明; claw explanation
  246. 爪铲:爪子和铲子; claw and shovel
  247. 爪谄:爪子的谄媚; claw flattery
  248. 爪蒇:爪子完成; claw completion
  249. 爪刬:爪子削去; claw erase
  250. 爪颤:爪子颤抖; claw tremble
  251. 爪忏:爪子忏悔; claw repentance
  252. 爪羼:爪子混杂; claw mixing in
  253. 爪禅:爪子禅修; claw Zen meditation
  254. 照掺:照耀掺杂; shine mix
  255. 照搀:照耀搀扶; shine support
  256. 照觇:照耀窥视; shine peep
  257. 照缠:照耀缠绕; shine twine
  258. 照蝉:照耀蝉; shine cicada
  259. 照禅:照耀禅意; shine Zen meditation
  260. 照馋:照耀贪馋; shine gluttony
  261. 照婵:照耀婵娟; shine beauty
  262. 照潺:照耀潺潺流水; shine murmuring water
  263. 照蟾:照耀蟾蜍; shine toad
  264. 照廛:照耀店铺; shine dwellings
  265. 照谗:照耀谗言; shine slander
  266. 照澶:照耀澶水; shine vast waters
  267. 照孱:照耀孱弱; shine weakness
  268. 照产:照耀生产; shine production
  269. 照阐:照耀阐明; shine explanation
  270. 照铲:照耀铲子; shine shovel
  271. 照谄:照耀谄媚; shine flattery
  272. 照蒇:照耀完成; shine completion
  273. 照刬:照耀削去; shine erase
  274. 照颤:照耀颤抖; shine tremble
  275. 照忏:照耀忏悔; shine repentance
  276. 照羼:照耀混杂; shine mixing in
  277. 照禅:照耀禅修; shine Zen meditation
  278. 赵掺:姓赵的掺杂; Zhao mix
  279. 赵搀:姓赵的搀扶; Zhao support
  280. 赵觇:姓赵的窥视; Zhao peep
  281. 赵缠:姓赵的缠绕; Zhao twine
  282. 赵蝉:姓赵的蝉; Zhao cicada
  283. 赵禅:姓赵的禅意; Zhao Zen meditation
  284. 赵馋:姓赵的贪馋; Zhao gluttony
  285. 赵婵:姓赵的婵娟; Zhao beauty
  286. 赵潺:姓赵的潺潺流水; Zhao murmuring water
  287. 赵蟾:姓赵的蟾蜍; Zhao toad
  288. 赵廛:姓赵的店铺; Zhao dwellings
  289. 赵谗:姓赵的谗言; Zhao slander
  290. 赵澶:姓赵的澶水; Zhao vast waters
  291. 赵孱:姓赵的孱弱; Zhao weakness
  292. 赵产:姓赵的生产; Zhao production
  293. 赵阐:姓赵的阐明; Zhao explanation
  294. 赵铲:姓赵的铲子; Zhao shovel
  295. 赵谄:姓赵的谄媚; Zhao flattery
  296. 赵蒇:姓赵的完成; Zhao completion
  297. 赵刬:姓赵的削去; Zhao erase
  298. 赵颤:姓赵的颤抖; Zhao tremble
  299. 赵忏:姓赵的忏悔; Zhao repentance
  300. 赵羼:姓赵的混杂; Zhao mixing in
  301. 赵禅:姓赵的禅修; Zhao Zen meditation
  302. 召掺:召唤掺杂; summon mix
  303. 召搀:召唤搀扶; summon support
  304. 召觇:召唤窥视; summon peep
  305. 召缠:召唤缠绕; summon twine
  306. 召蝉:召唤蝉; summon cicada
  307. 召禅:召唤禅意; summon Zen meditation
  308. 召馋:召唤贪馋; summon gluttony
  309. 召婵:召唤婵娟; summon beauty
  310. 召潺:召唤潺潺流水; summon murmuring water
  311. 召蟾:召唤蟾蜍; summon toad
  312. 召廛:召唤店铺; summon dwellings
  313. 召谗:召唤谗言; summon slander
  314. 召澶:召唤澶水; summon vast waters
  315. 召孱:召唤孱弱; summon weakness
  316. 召产:召唤生产; summon production
  317. 召阐:召唤阐明; summon explanation
  318. 召铲:召唤铲子; summon shovel
  319. 召谄:召唤谄媚; summon flattery
  320. 召蒇:召唤完成; summon completion
  321. 召刬:召唤削去; summon erase
  322. 召颤:召唤颤抖; summon tremble
  323. 召忏:召唤忏悔; summon repentance
  324. 召羼:召唤混杂; summon mixing in
  325. 召禅:召唤禅修; summon Zen meditation
  326. 罩掺:罩住掺杂; cover mix
  327. 罩搀:罩住搀扶; cover support
  328. 罩觇:罩住窥视; cover peep
  329. 罩缠:罩住缠绕; cover twine
  330. 罩蝉:罩住蝉; cover cicada
  331. 罩禅:罩住禅意; cover Zen meditation
  332. 罩馋:罩住贪馋; cover gluttony
  333. 罩婵:罩住婵娟; cover beauty
  334. 罩潺:罩住潺潺流水; cover murmuring water
  335. 罩蟾:罩住蟾蜍; cover toad
  336. 罩廛:罩住店铺; cover dwellings
  337. 罩谗:罩住谗言; cover slander
  338. 罩澶:罩住澶水; cover vast waters
  339. 罩孱:罩住孱弱; cover weakness
  340. 罩产:罩住生产; cover production
  341. 罩阐:罩住阐明; cover explanation
  342. 罩铲:罩住铲子; cover shovel
  343. 罩谄:罩住谄媚; cover flattery
  344. 罩蒇:罩住完成; cover completion
  345. 罩刬:罩住削去; cover erase
  346. 罩颤:罩住颤抖; cover tremble
  347. 罩忏:罩住忏悔; cover repentance
  348. 罩羼:罩住混杂; cover mixing in
  349. 罩禅:罩住禅修; cover Zen meditation
  350. 兆掺:预兆掺杂; omen mix
  351. 兆搀:预兆搀扶; omen support
  352. 兆觇:预兆窥视; omen peep
  353. 兆缠:预兆缠绕; omen twine
  354. 兆蝉:预兆蝉鸣; omen cicada sound
  355. 兆禅:预兆禅意; omen Zen meditation
  356. 兆馋:预兆贪馋; omen gluttony
  357. 兆婵:预兆婵娟; omen beauty
  358. 兆潺:预兆潺潺流水; omen murmuring water
  359. 兆蟾:预兆蟾蜍; omen toad
  360. 兆廛:预兆店铺; omen dwellings
  361. 兆谗:预兆谗言; omen slander
  362. 兆澶:预兆澶水; omen vast waters
  363. 兆孱:预兆孱弱; omen weakness
  364. 兆产:预兆生产; omen production
  365. 兆阐:预兆阐明; omen explanation
  366. 兆铲:预兆铲子; omen shovel
  367. 兆谄:预兆谄媚; omen flattery
  368. 兆蒇:预兆完成; omen completion
  369. 兆刬:预兆削去; omen erase
  370. 兆颤:预兆颤抖; omen tremble
  371. 兆忏:预兆忏悔; omen repentance
  372. 兆羼:预兆混杂; omen mixing in
  373. 兆禅:预兆禅修; omen Zen meditation
  374. 肇掺:创始掺杂; initiate mix
  375. 肇搀:创始搀扶; initiate support
  376. 肇觇:创始窥视; initiate peep
  377. 肇缠:创始缠绕; initiate twine
  378. 肇蝉:创始如蝉; initiate cicada
  379. 肇禅:创始禅意; initiate Zen meditation
  380. 肇馋:创始贪馋; initiate gluttony
  381. 肇婵:创始婵娟; initiate beauty
  382. 肇潺:创始潺潺流水; initiate murmuring water
  383. 肇蟾:创始如蟾蜍; initiate toad
  384. 肇廛:创始店铺; initiate dwellings
  385. 肇谗:创始谗言; initiate slander
  386. 肇澶:创始澶水; initiate vast waters
  387. 肇孱:创始孱弱; initiate weakness
  388. 肇产:创始生产; initiate production
  389. 肇阐:创始阐明; initiate explanation
  390. 肇铲:创始铲子; initiate shovel
  391. 肇谄:创始谄媚; initiate flattery
  392. 肇蒇:创始完成; initiate completion
  393. 肇刬:创始削去; initiate erase
  394. 肇颤:创始颤抖; initiate tremble
  395. 肇忏:创始忏悔; initiate repentance
  396. 肇羼:创始混杂; initiate mixing in
  397. 肇禅:创始禅修; initiate Zen meditation
  398. 诏掺:诏令掺杂; edict mix
  399. 诏搀:诏令搀扶; edict support
  400. 诏觇:诏令窥视; edict peep
  401. 诏缠:诏令缠绕; edict twine
  402. 诏蝉:诏令如蝉; edict cicada
  403. 诏禅:诏令禅意; edict Zen meditation
  404. 诏馋:诏令贪馋; edict gluttony
  405. 诏婵:诏令婵娟; edict beauty
  406. 诏潺:诏令潺潺流水; edict murmuring water
  407. 诏蟾:诏令如蟾蜍; edict toad
  408. 诏廛:诏令店铺; edict dwellings
  409. 诏谗:诏令谗言; edict slander
  410. 诏澶:诏令澶水; edict vast waters
  411. 诏孱:诏令孱弱; edict weakness
  412. 诏产:诏令生产; edict production
  413. 诏阐:诏令阐明; edict explanation
  414. 诏铲:诏令铲子; edict shovel
  415. 诏谄:诏令谄媚; edict flattery
  416. 诏蒇:诏令完成; edict completion
  417. 诏刬:诏令削去; edict erase
  418. 诏颤:诏令颤抖; edict tremble
  419. 诏忏:诏令忏悔; edict repentance
  420. 诏羼:诏令混杂; edict mixing in
  421. 诏禅:诏令禅修; edict Zen meditation
  422. 棹掺:船桨掺杂; oar mix
  423. 棹搀:船桨搀扶; oar support
  424. 棹觇:船桨窥视; oar peep
  425. 棹缠:船桨缠绕; oar twine
  426. 棹蝉:船桨上的蝉; oar cicada
  427. 棹禅:船桨与禅意; oar Zen meditation
  428. 棹馋:船桨的贪馋; oar gluttony
  429. 棹婵:船桨与婵娟; oar beauty
  430. 棹潺:船桨划过潺潺流水; oar murmuring water
  431. 棹蟾:船桨旁的蟾蜍; oar toad
  432. 棹廛:船桨旁的店铺; oar dwellings
  433. 棹谗:船桨的谗言; oar slander
  434. 棹澶:船桨划过澶水; oar vast waters
  435. 棹孱:船桨的孱弱; oar weakness
  436. 棹产:船桨生产; oar production
  437. 棹阐:船桨的阐明; oar explanation
  438. 棹铲:船桨与铲子; oar and shovel
  439. 棹谄:船桨的谄媚; oar flattery
  440. 棹蒇:船桨完成; oar completion
  441. 棹刬:船桨削去; oar erase
  442. 棹颤:船桨颤抖; oar tremble
  443. 棹忏:船桨忏悔; oar repentance
  444. 棹羼:船桨混杂; oar mixing in
  445. 棹禅:船桨禅修; oar Zen meditation
  446. 笊掺:笊篱掺杂; ladle mix
  447. 笊搀:笊篱搀扶; ladle support
  448. 笊觇:笊篱窥视; ladle peep
  449. 笊缠:笊篱缠绕; ladle twine
  450. 笊蝉:笊篱捞起蝉; ladle cicada
  451. 笊禅:笊篱与禅意; ladle Zen meditation
  452. 笊馋:笊篱的贪馋; ladle gluttony
  453. 笊婵:笊篱与婵娟; ladle beauty
  454. 笊潺:笊篱舀起潺潺流水; ladle murmuring water
  455. 笊蟾:笊篱里的蟾蜍; ladle toad
  456. 笊廛:笊篱旁的店铺; ladle dwellings
  457. 笊谗:笊篱的谗言; ladle slander
  458. 笊澶:笊篱舀起澶水; ladle vast waters
  459. 笊孱:笊篱的孱弱; ladle weakness
  460. 笊产:笊篱生产; ladle production
  461. 笊阐:笊篱的阐明; ladle explanation
  462. 笊铲:笊篱和铲子; ladle and shovel
  463. 笊谄:笊篱的谄媚; ladle flattery
  464. 笊蒇:笊篱完成; ladle completion
  465. 笊刬:笊篱削去; ladle erase
  466. 笊颤:笊篱颤抖; ladle tremble
  467. 笊忏:笊篱忏悔; ladle repentance
  468. 笊羼:笊篱混杂; ladle mixing in
  469. 笊禅:笊篱禅修; ladle Zen meditation
  470. 櫂掺:船櫂掺杂; scull mix
  471. 櫂搀:船櫂搀扶; scull support
  472. 櫂觇:船櫂窥视; scull peep
  473. 櫂缠:船櫂缠绕; scull twine
  474. 櫂蝉:船櫂旁的蝉; scull cicada
  475. 櫂禅:船櫂与禅意; scull Zen meditation
  476. 櫂馋:船櫂的贪馋; scull gluttony
  477. 櫂婵:船櫂与婵娟; scull beauty
  478. 櫂潺:船櫂划过潺潺流水; scull murmuring water
  479. 櫂蟾:船櫂旁的蟾蜍; scull toad
  480. 櫂廛:船櫂旁的店铺; scull dwellings
  481. 櫂谗:船櫂的谗言; scull slander
  482. 櫂澶:船櫂划过澶水; scull vast waters
  483. 櫂孱:船櫂的孱弱; scull weakness
  484. 櫂产:船櫂生产; scull production
  485. 櫂阐:船櫂的阐明; scull explanation
  486. 櫂铲:船櫂与铲子; scull and shovel
  487. 櫂谄:船櫂的谄媚; scull flattery
  488. 櫂蒇:船櫂完成; scull completion
  489. 櫂刬:船櫂削去; scull erase
  490. 櫂颤:船櫂颤抖; scull tremble
  491. 櫂忏:船櫂忏悔; scull repentance
  492. 櫂羼:船櫂混杂; scull mixing in
  493. 櫂禅:船櫂禅修; scull Zen meditation
  494. 肇掺:开始掺杂; begin mix
  495. 肇搀:开始搀扶; begin support
  496. 肇觇:开始窥视; begin peep
  497. 肇缠:开始缠绕; begin twine
  498. 肇蝉:开始有蝉; begin cicada
  499. 肇禅:开始禅修; begin Zen meditation
  500. 肇馋:开始贪馋; begin gluttony
  501. 肇婵:开始婵娟; begin beauty
  502. 肇潺:开始潺潺流水; begin murmuring water
  503. 肇蟾:开始有蟾蜍; begin toad
  504. 肇廛:开始有店铺; begin dwellings
  505. 肇谗:开始谗言; begin slander
  506. 肇澶:开始有澶水; begin vast waters
  507. 肇孱:开始孱弱; begin weakness
  508. 肇产:开始生产; begin production
  509. 肇阐:开始阐明; begin explanation
  510. 肇铲:开始用铲; begin shovel
  511. 肇谄:开始谄媚; begin flattery
  512. 肇蒇:开始完成; begin completion
  513. 肇刬:开始削去; begin erase
  514. 肇颤:开始颤抖; begin tremble
  515. 肇忏:开始忏悔; begin repentance
  516. 肇羼:开始混杂; begin mixing in
  517. 肇禅:开始禅修; begin Zen meditation
  518. 着掺:助词掺杂; particle mix
  519. 着搀:助词搀扶; particle support
  520. 着觇:助词窥视; particle peep
  521. 着缠:助词缠绕; particle twine
  522. 着蝉:助词如蝉; particle cicada
  523. 着禅:助词禅意; particle Zen meditation
  524. 着馋:助词贪馋; particle gluttony
  525. 着婵:助词婵娟; particle beauty
  526. 着潺:助词潺潺流水; particle murmuring water
  527. 着蟾:助词如蟾蜍; particle toad
  528. 着廛:助词店铺; particle dwellings
  529. 着谗:助词谗言; particle slander
  530. 着澶:助词澶水; particle vast waters
  531. 着孱:助词孱弱; particle weakness
  532. 着产:助词生产; particle production
  533. 着阐:助词阐明; particle explanation
  534. 着铲:助词铲子; particle shovel
  535. 着谄:助词谄媚; particle flattery
  536. 着蒇:助词完成; particle completion
  537. 着刬:助词削去; particle erase
  538. 着颤:助词颤抖; particle tremble
  539. 着忏:助词忏悔; particle repentance
  540. 着羼:助词混杂; particle mixing in
  541. 着禅:助词禅修; particle Zen meditation



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